Not all tiger nuts are created equal! We care loads about quality and have put a lot of effort into sourcing what we think are the best tiger nuts available. We only deal with carefully chosen EU based suppliers. They control the quality of our tiger nuts from the soil to us, and we control the quality from them to you.

Our suppliers were also chosen because they are the world’s leading innovators in tiger nuts.

Our Valencia based suppliers have state of the art facilities that are used to wash, sort, scan and dry our tiger nuts. These facilities allow us to provide tiger nuts that have been dried for 3 months in a controlled environment, where they have been turned daily. This is extremely important, as it prevents moulds and spores from developing on the tiger nuts and allows them to develop the naturally sweet flavour our tiger nuts are known for. This intensive drying process is often not carried out on tiger nuts from cheaper suppliers so if you do go elsewhere it is always worth checking (but really our tiger nuts are the best so you should just stay here!).

The state of the art facilities also allows our tiger nuts to be scanned multiple times for foreign objects before they are vacuum packed using carbon dioxide (meaning no pesticides are used). As well as making sure the process is totally organic, we pay a little extra to our suppliers to make sure our tiger nuts are totally organic , and of the highest quality.

All of our products are packed on clean lines, so the risk of contamination is minimal ,  but please be aware that the factory also pack other food items which may contain traces of nuts !

Who knew so much effort could go into such a simple little superfood?

About our Packaging

Our packaging is a little quirky, and we like it that way!

We really care about the impact we have on our planet, and plastic pollution in our oceans is a massive concern. We have spent months researching and have managed to reduce plastic in our bags from using heavy duty single use plastic to a small window and a light inner film  which is recyclable. Until something better is developed we still have to use a film for freshness and for shelf life, but we are really pleased as this is around an 85% reduction of plastic in our packaging.

But our aim is zero plastic, and we are continuing to develop more ecologically friendly solutions. For example our chocolate bars  are now wrapped in 100% recycled and recyclable paper and foil. And our  organic cotton tiger nut milk making bags are now packed in bio compostable bags .